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Happy Anniversary!

May 2019

Did you notice the anniversary logo? That’s right, OACS is celebrating 50 years as an organization of independent bookstores in the state of Ohio, and we are still going strong! Ohio colleges and universities continue to pull together to engage, encourage, and educate as we network with others who know our business. While the “nuts and bolts” of the industry continue to transform, the mission we all have to support our students and campus have not. Successful stores are those that innovate and take every opportunity to embrace and lead their school through change. Through membership in OACS and attendance at the Spring and Fall meetings, stores learn about services, products, and programs that can inspire innovation. Vendor partners and your store colleagues can offer suggestions and advice that can stimulate that one idea that is the crucial change you need in your operation.

The OACS board has spent considerable time evaluating the Fall conference. There is so much value in the networking, educational content, and the tradeshow. Our goal was to lower costs so more schools can participate. I am excited to announce that we have achieved this goal by restructuring the conference. First, all activities will take place in two days instead of three eliminating one hotel night. Additionally, we have simplified the price structure and reduced costs for both members and vendors. The store attendee cost is $130 (a $70 reduction per person from last year, and the vendor cost is $150 (a $100 decrease per person from last year). These costs will give you access to all meals and events associated with the conference over two days. By simplifying the price structure, shortening the conference, adding more roundtable time, and using industry colleagues as presenters, we have reduced expenses which lowers your cost!

Another savings we are pleased to announce is that membership dues will be reduced by 25% for those who have a least one person attending the Fall conference. Become a member of OACS at the time you register for the Fall conference and your schools yearly membership dues will be reduced from $100 to $75. Membership is a way for you to support the organization and help OACS stand strong for independent stores in Ohio.

In the past seven years, I have gleaned so much from my fellow Ohioans through my membership in OACS and attendance at these conferences. Many of the ideas we have implemented at my store came from one of you sharing what you were doing in your store. As you reflect on finishing this year of serving your campuses and approach another year of opportunities, we look forward to coming together as independent stores to share the message that we are still alive and well in the state of Ohio! Leaning on each other we can stand strong against the winds of change!

See you in October!

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